Refer to Gatehouse

  • Referrals can be made from:

    • A child/young person's legal guardian
    • A child/young person
    • Child protection 

    To refer, please call (03) 9345 6391 and ask to speak with the Intake Worker. If they are unavailable, leave a message and someone will return your call. 

    You can also email and ask the Intake Worker to call you.

    The Intake Team is available Monday–Friday 9am–5pm. 

    Referral and eligibility criteria

    Gatehouse clinicians provide therapeutic counselling and support for children aged 0–17 who have experienced sexual assault/harm or have engaged in harmful or problematic sexual behaviour and their non-offending parents and carers.  

    Gatehouse clinicians provide service to children and families living in Brimbank, Melton, Moonee Valley, Maribyrnong, Melbourne, Hobsons Bay and Wyndham LGAs, and to inpatients at The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH).  

    If you live in an LGA other than those listed above, find your local service on the Sexual Assault Services Victoria website.

    Service locations 

    Gatehouse clinicians provide services at three locations:

    • Parkville: The RCH
    • Melton: Melton City Council
    • Werribee: Wyndham Multidisciplinary Centre (MDC)

  • Seeking support following sexual harm

    Call 000 if you are unsafe or in immediate danger

    Call or email Gatehouse
    (03) 9345 6391
    Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

    After-hours Sexual Assault Crisis Line
    1800 806 292